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New APA Learning Opportunities!

Grand Boulevards: A Framework for Workforce Housing, Environmental Repair, and Economic Balance

What: Housing is at the crux of some of our biggest global challenges, but continually expanding outward is an unsustainable trend. We know the only rational direction is inward — infilling, repairing, and enhancing our existing communities — shifting from cars to walking, biking, and public transit. But how and where?

A solution might lie in the strip malls across U.S. cities that have largely become a sign of time gone by, relics filled with the economic decay born of our increasingly online lives. The retail ribbons crosscutting communities can form a network of next-generation workforce housing and transit, transforming placeless arterials into “Grand Boulevards” — providing places to live that are more affordable to the environment, to households and to our cities. Repair the strip, build accessible workforce housing, invest in transit, and humanize the asphalt wastelands that divide our communities. This presentation will explore the possibilities of “Grand Boulevards” with examples from Los Angeles County and San Francisco.

Webinar: Fire & Water: Extreme Weather Trends and Community Infrastructure

The Federal Planning Division of the APA is excited to offer remote learning and networking through our webinar series. All webinars are hosted on Eventbrite and are FREE for FPD members. Eventbrite registration links are emailed regularly to active FPD members. 

  • Panelist Edith Hannigan, Land Use Planning Program Manager with the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, on wildfire resiliency planning
  • Panelist Chad Berginnis, Association of State Floodplain Managers, on flood resiliency planning
  • Moderator Jim Schwab, Jim Schwab Consulting LLC
  • Moderator Jill Schreifer, The Schreifer Group

Choose your level of instruction and register!

The Basics (Introductory): Wednesday, September 15th, 1 pm Eastern
Practitioners' Roundtable (Intermediate+):Thursday, September 23rd, 1 pm Eastern

 Join your APA colleagues to learn more about this timely issue for our communities in these first webinars of the new Sustainability & Resilience Series.  Panelists and discussions will examine current extreme weather trends, address their impact on infrastructure and social vulnerability, and suggest a role planners can play to improve outcomes.  Each of these Planning Webcast Series sessions earns 1.0 AICP CM.

Register today! 

For more information on the APA Sustainability & Resilience Series, contact Karla Ebenbach at karla@ebenbach.com

Past Presentations

March 2021: AICP Exam Informational & Training Session

January 2021: Sweat the Small Stuff 

September 2020: Suicide in the Barracks

October 2020: Planning for Energy and Water Resilience (IEWP)

July 2020: Flightline Formal Training Unit Relocation